Dandruff – Facts and Cure

Dandruff – Is it a disease?

Dandruff – a term not unknown to any. Dry, flaky white dry skin falling off on shoulders or collars can be quite embarrassing as well as irritating (specially when you’re flaunting a dark-colorer dress!)

Even it is so commonly seen, there has been no particular reason established medically, what causes dandruff but one of the fact studied is that a common fungus called malassezia furfur may contribute towards quick dying and re-generation of cells on scalp resulting in dandruff. One fact one should be aware of is that dandruff is not related to hair but the culprit is skin of the scalp.

One of the main symptoms or we can say consequence is the itchy scalp when dandruff has set-in. If it is not treated right from the beginning, it may become severe by spreading as reddish, scaly plaques in the eyebrows, on forehead, on ear, and on folds of skin near our nostrils as well.

Other than fungal infection, sickness, low immune, oily skin/ scalp or even allergy to a particular medicine can intensify dry scalp or dandruff. Also, ironically, some studies have shown that men are more prone to dandruff than woman.

If not serious – why go for treatment?

In today’s time when an individual’s physical presentation plays an important role in the its social engagements, individuals with severe dandruff may face social or self-esteem problems. Therefore, important is to treat this for both physiological and psychological reasons.

There is an array of remedies flowed over the internet and suggested by dermatologists; we are highlighting few of the most used and reasonably effective ones:

Using medicated shampoo – containing active ingredients like salicylic acid/ Zinc pyrithione/ Selenium sulfide/ Ketoconazole. Here, be careful while using these as you may require to switch between types of shampoos if one type controls the dandruff at first but later loses its effectiveness. Also, read the directions for use carefully for acquiring maximum effect.

(1).Corticosteroid creams – to reduce inflammation
(2).Antifungal creams – it may help in growth of fungus and avoid itchiness.
(3).Use of Vinegar – as a wash after shampoo – shown to reduce flakes.

Although there are various home-made treatments available, one should be cautious to use them as what may cause allergy to one’s scalp is unpredictable and may worsen the situation. It is, therefore, advised to consult dermatologist if dandruff doesn’t appear to be reducing even after usage of over the counter medicines/ shampoos or home-made solutions.

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